Updated 2020 FAQs


Will there be a Make Music Salem?

Yes! Now more than ever we could use a celebration of music where EVERYONE can participate. Everyone is welcome to perform and participate regardless of their skills and age. As a result of the current situation, our plans have shifted greatly and things are changing daily so we are all figuring this out together. You can find the latest updates for 2020 Make Music Salem here. We look to your creativity, expression, innovation, positive attitudes, artistic ideas, and flexibility to make the most of our annual musical celebration of the summer solstice.

COVID-19 and Make Music Salem?

Given the current situation, 2020 Make Music Salem will be all online and will respect all social distancing guideline and requirements. Unfortunately this year there will not be any in-person concerts for people to attend. However, we will provide forums and activities for musicians and the public to still participate and enjoy the annual music celebration.

Is this only for the Salem area?

This event is open to everyone that would like to participate regardless of where you reside. Since we are the only Make Music celebration in Oregon on June 21st we would like to encourage participation from Portland, Bend, Eugene, Corvallis, Southern Oregon, Eastern Oregon, and throughout the Pacific Northwest region. To explore all of the cities and countries involved with this global celebration check our the Make Music Alliance.

How do I participate?

Register here to perform or host a show. Because of the COVID-19 rules, all performances will be virtual and we have provided a instructions on how to sign up for this year. The registration process has been modified for this year to accommodate for our current situation with COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines. This means that you can set up live concerts that can be performed safely from your home and business environments (porches, stoops, balconies, out windows) and that adhere to social distancing and other best practice guidelines. For this year’s Make Music Day Salem we are only accepting registrations for concerts to be performed virtually via online platforms live or that are recorded.

Even though this year's festival is being produced virtually, we want Make Music Salem to be as "live" as possible, and encourage live-streamed performances whenever possible. Live-streaming is easier than you may think, as you can learn by reviewing our Live Streaming Instructions for Facebook. When you register your concert, you will be able to include a link to a pre-recorded performance if that works best for you.

We will also be providing other musical activities, free music lessons, instrument giveaways, group events, and much more!

How can I help?

We are a small non-profit and like many organizations we decided not to actively pursue sponsors, partners, and donations during this especially difficult economic and social times. However, if you are able to contributre or would like to support Make Music Salem we would appreciate any financial support. If your business or organization would like to sponsor or partner with Make Music Salem or If you would like to contribute to Make Music Salem, your tax deductible donation can be made here through the Salem Foundation.

How do I volunteer?

If you would like to help us out by sharing your time and talents you can complete our volunteer form.

More questions?

You can review our regular FAQs and you can always send us an email and we will follow up as quickly as we can.